Are amber beads safe for babies?

coco twins amber necklace baltic amber necklace

Are amber beads safe for babies? Mums and Dads have always been eager to find ways to relieve teething discomfort for their babies. So, when it could be as simple as putting a beads around the child’s neck, it’s understandable that mums and dads would become interested. Amber necklace lemon and turquoise amber and gemstone necklace jewellery baltic amber

Are amber beads safe for babies?

Mums and Dads have always been eager to find ways to relieve teething discomfort for their babies. So, when it could be as simple as amber beads around the child’s neck, it’s understandable that mums and dads would become interested.

What’s an amber bead necklace?

An amber bead teething necklace is a string of round amber chips the child wears around their neck. The amber forms from fossilised tree resin which is shaped into rounded, small beads threaded onto a piece of string or cord. Claiming the resin, once warmed by the child’s skin, has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to soothe a child’s swollen, sore gums.

Amber bead anklets and bracelets are also available, although necklaces are the most popular. The beads come in a range of colours, from white to yellow and brown to black.

Who are the necklaces made for?

Amber bead necklaces are made for children and adults, who are teething or showing signs of inflammatory conditions. The recommended age varies, although they generally say benefits in wearing them between 4 months.

What Is Baltic Amber?

Baltic amber is the fossilized tree resin of ancient conifer trees that grew in the Baltic region 40-60 million years ago. Baltic amber is the only type of amber that has a rich concentration of succinic acid (3-8 %). Baltic amber is then mined into beads and made into jewellery. Succinic Acid (also called Amber Acid)  in Baltic amber is believed to have pain-relieving or healing qualities when absorbed into the skin.

Are amber bead necklaces safe?

Product safety is so important when it comes to babies. Amber bead necklaces and bracelets are only to used with strict adult supervision. All safety and care instructions should be read followed. They can be a strangulation risk to children and they can also break and the child could inhale the beads if they mouth or chew the necklace. 

Necklaces should sit on babies collarbone and not be too long as they may chew the necklace. Always to wear under clothing against the skin. Amber bracelet should be worn on the ankle or wrist and not roll off.  

baby and identified the risk of choking to babies who wear a string of amber beads.

During the teething period, it takes around 4 days for the tooth to emerge through the gum and around 3 days afterwards. There is no consistent pattern of behaviour when it comes to teething. Some children don’t seem at all bothered; others become quite irritable.

10 other soothing methods to help with a teething baby

  1. Lots of cuddles 
  2. Extra naps if their night sleep is being disrupted
  3. Extra breast or bottle feeds if they’re keen
  4. Teething toy and toys to chew on
  5. A cool, wet washer
  6. Foods that can help sooth like steamed cold apples. 
  7. Offering something firm to suck on, such as a rusk
  8. Massaging your baby’s gums with a clean finger
  9. Drying the skin around your child’s mouth and chin if they’re drooling a lot – rashes are common in areas that stay moist
  10. Pain relief medication if your baby is miserable – make sure you use the right dose for your baby’s age and weight and speak with a doctor or pharmacist first

Amber necklace Safety

  • Always supervise your child when they are wearing amber bead necklaces, bracelets or anklets.
  • Remove any amber beads before you leave your child alone (even if it’s only for a short period) and when they go to sleep.
  • Never let your child chew on the amber beads.

Who can I speak to for more information?

Speak to your doctor or child health nurse if you have any concerns about your child’s teething. They can give you great support and advice.

We do not make any therapeutic claims that amber is a miracle cure for teething babies and all safety and care should be followed.

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